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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick

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I read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? when I was a kid (c. 1982) and loved it. Not long after, I watched Blade Runner in the theatre (as was the fashion at the time) and loved that too. More recently we watched Blade Runner 2049 as a family which I also enjoyed, but certainly not as much as my memory of the original.

Re-reading the book for the first time in over 40 years, I realised my memory of the book was actually a memory of the original movie. It was clearly written in a different period and to a different set of expectations and norms. The stereotypes, the gendered character tropes, etc. all felt a bit stale. It also reminded me a bit of Man in the High Castle in that it felt like it went nowhere in the end.

All that said, I enjoyed it, and think I’d happily read it again, no doubt in another 40 years when they release Blade Runner 2077.